We’ve all been there. You had a great time at that concert, chill session with friends, or solo Netflix marathon and made sure to smoke it up. But now, your hair smells like you’ve been hanging out in a cannabis field. That good sticky icky stank clings to e-v-e-r-y-thing! Whether you’re trying to avoid awkward questions or just want to freshen up, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tried and true tips on how to get weed smell out of hair.
Before we dive into the solutions, let’s get a little scientific. Hair is like a sponge for smells because of its porous structure. The terpenes in cannabis—those aromatic compounds that give weed its distinct scent—are hydrophobic, meaning they repel water, and cling to your hair like a koala to a eucalyptus tree.
Let’s start with the most obvious way to get weed smell out of hair. A good old-fashioned shower. But not just any shower… this one requires strategy. You can either create your own mixture or purchase a suitable shampoo from the store.
First, start with a clarifying shampoo with ingredients like apple cider vinegar, baking soda, or white vinegar. These are designed to remove buildup, including stubborn odors. Look for ones with activated charcoal or tea tree oil for extra deodorizing power. Next, make sure you double wash, meaning: lather, rinse, and repeat. The second wash makes a huge difference when you need to get weed smell out of hair.
Finally, you want to massage a little conditioner onto the ends of your luscious locks. Men, conditioner is your friend, just a little dab’ll do ya! Pro Tip: If you’re in a pinch or are sensitive to strong fragrances, baby shampoo works wonders. It’s gentle but effective at neutralizing odors.
In a pinch and have no time for a shower? A hair deodorizer can be a lifesaver. A light spritz of dry shampoo on your roots will absorb cannabis odors. Bonus: it adds volume! Without making a special trip to the store, you can also use these following ingredients to get weed smell out of hair.
This household ingredient is a serious miracle worker for odors, plus it’s super cheap. You can also use it to get weed smell out of hair in a few different ways. For the quick and easy solution, just lightly dust some onto your hair by the roots. Let it hang in there for a few minutes then give your hair a good brushing. You can also use baking soda in the shower, using it as a paste to massage into your scalp.
We all know how well a few drops of an essential oil can mask any odors lingering around your space. Literally one to two drops of a citrus, peppermint, lavender or whatever you fav scent is, on your hairbrush and run it through your locks.
You should never mix a good buzz from cannabis with intoxication from liquor. But in this case, you won’t be consuming any vodka. In a pinch, vodka can be surprisingly helpful neutralizing the smell when you need to get weed smell out of hair. Simply spritz a teaspoon of vodka onto your hair, let it dry, and the cannabis odor will fade away.
Patchouli has long been a hippies way to get weed smell out of hair. But, along with this potent scent, comes the well known stigma of weed smokers. The good thing about your everyday aroma is that it’s a combination of using essential oils for smell and the alcohol to neutralize odors. The most important thing to keep in mind is that certain perfumes and colognes are made to amplify existing scents.
If none of these options are available, running a dryer sheet through your tresses can also do the trick.
Taking a cue from the iconic Sheryl Crow, soaking up some sun can be another effective way to eliminate the marijuana odor. With your hair down to maximize airflow, spend about 30 to 45 minutes basking in the sun’s rays. Once the time is up, the lingering weed scent should be a thing of the past.
If you don’t want to worry about how to get weed smell out of hair altogether, plan ahead! Wear a hat, bandana, or scarf to shield your hair from smoke during your session. Also, keep your hair tied up or braided, after your smoke sesh give it a good rustle tussle and shake it out.
Better yet, if you are really struggling to get weed smell out of hair, dabble into some alternatives. Edibles are the closest to incognito cannabis consumption you can get. Dabs also put off quite a potent smell to them, but that’s easily fixed by all-in-one handheld cannabis vaporizers.
You can now indulge in your smoke sesh then enjoy the confidence of knowing your hair smells as good as you feel. Trying to get weed smell out of hair doesn’t need to be a struggle. Now, you can keep your locks smelling fresh and fab, no matter the inconvenience. Whether you’re a shower lover, a DIY expert, or just a fan of quick fixes, keep these effective tips and techniques in mind.