What’s the first thing you naturally do when presented with fresh cannabis? Give it a little sniff, right? The smell that cannabis gives off is extremely pungent and distinct, whether it’s fresh flower or being burned and smoked. Just like with tasting particular flavors or listening to certain sounds, what you fancy is what the next person loathes. Having this very obvious odor associated with smoking cannabis makes it hard to mask when you’re around the loathers.A more recent finding is the presence of thiols in cannabis. You know that skunk smell that we all associate with smoking weed? Well, this is because of the compound 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol (aka 321MBT). The compound is one of seven sulfur-containing thiols in skunk’s spray!
Our main culprit here is going to be the terpenes, which are going to vary between different strains. Terpenes play such a significant role in the aroma of cannabis pre rolls. These organic compounds are sole contributors to the scent profiles of not just cannabis, but also other flowers and spices. Just like lavender has its calming floral scent and cinnamon has that warm, spicy aroma.
It has been made pretty simple to expect certain smells from certain strains. A Sour Diesel preroll is going to have a gassy smell, not fruity. That Orange Wedding Cake preroll is going to have a rich citrus aroma, not musky… see the pattern?
When you have a bulk amount of flower you need to grind it up first before you fill up your joint. You are getting all of the rich contents when using full-flower in your prerolls. On the other hand, trim prerolls are made from the leaves, stems, and trimmings of the cannabis plant. Since these parts of the plant have a much lower concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes they tend to have a more mild scent in comparison to full-flower.
When THC concentrates are added to pre-rolled joints, the smell becomes more potent and intense. The concentrated form of THC adds a stronger aroma to the joint, enhancing the overall scent profile. This gives the pre roll a more pungent and robust smell compared to a regular pre-rolled joint. The combination of the concentrated THC and the other aromatic compounds in the cannabis can create a unique and powerful olfactory experience.
Remember how our main culprit to the smell of cannabis comes from its terpene profile? With over 20,000 different terpene varieties known in the plant world, cannabis plants contain around 200 different ones contributing to the aromas of each strain. Well, each cannabis strain has its own prominent cluster of terpene flavors, here are a couple of examples to get a better idea.
A pretty awesome study was done by bringing in random people who have either never smoked cannabis or who have in the past and asking them questions based off the look and smell of certain cannabis strains. The group was given 48 different descriptive words for 11 different strains, and were asked questions like, “How much do you think this strain would cost?” and “How potent do you think this strain is?”
An overwhelming majority of the group estimated that the strains with a more citrus and fruity aroma would be more potent and cost more. Even though there were samples of strains like Fruity Pebbles, and Lemon Diesel, “earthy”, “woody”, and “herbal”, were the most common aromatic notes throughout all of the strains. Read the whole study on “Consumer perceptions of strain differences in Cannabis aroma” here!
Once you put a flame to your joint… its smell will never be the same. Even though you might not smoke the entire joint in one sitting, you are still heating up the terpene contents inside. Your best bet is to store your partially smoked joint in an airtight container. This will also help it stay the freshest possible until you are ready to relight it.
A sploof is a device used to filter out weed smoke as you exhale it. You can easily create your own using a cardboard tube or toilet paper roll, a dryer sheet or paper towel, and an elastic band. To make a sploof, just cover one end of the cardboard tube or toilet paper roll with a dryer sheet and fasten it with the elastic band.
If it isn’t as easy as taking a step outside, the next best thing is to ventilate the area as much as possible. If you are smoking inside you can try spraying some air freshener, lighting a couple of candles, or throwing a damp towel in front of the room’s door. Really mask the smell by smoking a strain like Girl Scout Cookies while actually baking yourself some girl scout cookies!
One of the joys of cannabis consumption is the freedom to enjoy it outside. Whether you’re exploring nature, attending a music festival, or simply relaxing in a park, smoking cannabis outdoors can enhance your experience. Pre-rolled joints, those convenient ready-to-smoke cylinders of delight, can be the perfect companion for outdoor adventures. The great outdoors gives you fresh air and an open space to sit back and relax. The best part is when you have your weed pre-rolled and ready to light!
There aren’t too many things in the world that can compare to the reminiscent aroma of smoking a preroll. It is so distinct to anyone’s nostrils whether they are a cannabis user or not. Any pot smoker will tell you that they know someone who is completely against the smell of cannabis and will make sure you are aware of their disdain for the odor.
We are still living in a time when walking down a busy street smoking a joint causes a lot of attention. It’s just as casual of an act as smoking a cigarette but still tends to be highly frowned upon in public areas. Just recently, a Bloomberg Report talked about the smell of cannabis in major cities where it is legal to consume. It pointed out the fact that the smell of weed shouldn’t be as much of a concern as the toxic smells from industrial pollution and car exhaust fumes.
Of course, we are still dealing with people who like to make matters worse. Just like the judge in Washington D.C. who ordered that a man using medical marijuana in his apartment must stop smoking, following a complaint from a neighbor about the smell of the weed entering her home and causing a disturbance.
If you’re looking for practical tips for handling the smell of prerolls, here are a few suggestions.
1. Storage: Invest in a good-quality storage container specifically designed for cannabis. These containers are often airtight and help contain the odor. Look for options made of glass or metal, as they tend to be more effective at keeping smells in.
2. Odor-proof bags: If you’re on the go or need extra odor control, consider using odor-proof bags. These bags are designed to trap the smell inside, preventing it from escaping and lingering in your surroundings. They come in various sizes and are a discreet way to transport your prerolls.
3. Ventilation: If you’re enjoying your prerolls indoors, make sure the area is well-ventilated. Open windows or use fans to help circulate the air and dissipate the smell. Using air fresheners or scented candles can also help mask any lingering odors.
4. Smoke outside: If possible, enjoy your prerolls in outdoor areas where the smell can disperse more easily. Just be mindful of local laws and regulations regarding cannabis consumption in public spaces.
5. Personal hygiene: After smoking, take care of your personal hygiene to minimize the smell on your clothes and body. Wash your hands thoroughly, change your clothes, and consider using breath fresheners or mouthwash to freshen your breath.
Remember to be mindful of your surroundings and respectful of others who may not appreciate the scent. Being considerate goes a long way in keeping positive attitudes towards cannabis use.